Ok..da dkt 2mgg tak update so nk byr 'hutang' tag ni dlu...
Here I gooooooooo......
>>>ape yg perlu dilakukan adalah menyenaraikan 25 ape2 shaja mengenai diri sms zaman comei lote dlu..(zmn kecik2 la)..pastu kne tag 5 org..(ye ke 5 org? ckitnyer..so betuahla sesiape yg saye tag tu..*u're the choosen one!!!ahaks..)
- actually xingt sgt....tp yg pasti sye ni jenis yg 'kuat'@suke nangis..
- penah kene balun jugak ngn rotan sbb suke sgt nangis..
- dlu2 suke lawan gusti ngn adik sye (ala2 WWF tu..hahaah)pastu mest sye menng..
- slalu gak berangan maen msk2..siap gne 'api' btol lagi..br adventure..ngeh3..
- kalo abah gi kursus nk tdo kne cium kain pelekat abh..hahaha
- penah curik duit abah..sorokkn duit tu bwh almari pastu buat2 kononnye saye tejumpe duit tu....(ciri2 pencuri licik..hahaha..tp ni mse zmn2 jhliyyah..)
- buat jenayah bunuh anak ayam..wakakkaa..(myb smpai skrg mk aym xtau ank aym die da mati...minta maaf ye mak kpd ank ayam..hehhehehee)
- cite-cite mula2 skali nk jadi cikgu..(xtepkir pun nk jadi penulis nvl..kuang3...)
- paling mls nk wat homework math...(ni bknla kecik sgt..drjah 5 cam tula..)
- slalu bgn pagi2 bute siapkn h/wrk math tu..(hahahha)..(yg kbwh ni cte mse skolah rendah la..)yg zmn 'comei lote' xbape n ingt sbb comei sgt.hahah...
- suke tdo awal...
- suka tuka2 setam nagn kwn..kononnyer hobila.. tp xlame lps tu da stop..hahahah)
- (penat nk pkir ni...ape lg...)
- (kalo da ingt nt tmbh..)
- (da xingt...)
- (ape yer???)
- (urmm..to be continued..)
- (relax jap..)
- (nt sye tny mk saye sbg isi tmbhn...huuuhuhuhu)
- (da mls nk pkir..)
- (penat nk taipla..)
- (don't worry..mest complete kn jugak list ni..)
- (btau yg baek punyer nt....)
- (ai..xabis lg ke list ni..*penat mengarot*..)
- huh..akhirnye smpi pon kt no25 ni..
#Dengan ini org yg betuah sebab di'tag' adalah:
- along
- nawa_bbm
- nawa_kmm
- hawa
- tehah
i just copy paste from her page...
This is about WE ARE THE WORLD (have you ever heard before?)
She said : we are the world...i think is a song that going to be aired for many2 more years to come.. it was so patriotic in lyric but yet sound so souling..though..it might has inspired so many people in every part of the world...
k.emi has came out with this meme to gather as many blogger out there in one list..cool huh..thanks k.emi for tagging me...well then you may also challenge urself in determining who sang the "We Are The World'..in quiz name the singers from ‘We Are The World‘?'.
Athe says: anyway i'm not done the quiz yet because at first, when i went to the linked site..n took a look at the picture i was stucked..there's no familiar artist at all..coz the majority is USA African origin.. if i'm not mistaken this song is by the late Micheal Jackson..i've seen the video through the You Tube and likely to say i like this song so-so-so much and would like to add in my favourite english song list after When You Believe by Mariah Carrey n Whitney, Stay the Same by Joey Mcintyre.This is very2 (how to describe it?!..i'm speechless..)song..and the most all Africans' voice are superb!!(serious..believe it!)
#so here i'm inviting my fren like..chika, Dr.illy, Yana, Yun, Cikyah@Ziah,Nawa_bbm, Nawa_kmm, Tehah, Cik Froggy, Zureen,Duha, Ariff_bms, Imah, Frasy, LifeIsAnAcademy, Nina, Ieja, Aqmar to join...
*Start Copy Here*
You do not have to be tagged to play along. The game is simple and so are the rules.
1. Copy from *Start Copy Here* through *End Copy Here*
2. Add your site(s) to the list. Just be sure to post at each site you add.
3. Tag as many bloggers as you like so the list keeps on growing.
4. Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list.
5. Come back and copy the master list back to your site, often. This process will allow late-comers to get as much link benefit as the first ones in.
We Are The World Bloggers Master List:
1. Emila Yusof 2. The Other Side of Emila 3. Mariuca 4. Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery 5. Meow Diaries 11. Unlisted One 7. Spiff, the Spaceman 8. My Sweet Escape 9. Nota Nurul 10. Life’s Tapestry 11. Spontaneous Insignificancy 12. LadyJava 13. Miss Igorota 14. AnnyBoo 15. Yoon See 16. Jia’s Life 17. Nessa’s Mumblings 18. Also Mommy 19. The Walk of Life 20.Pretty Firefly 21. Untouchable EARTH 22. Baterya 23. Comedy Plus 24. Bain Cardin 25. Strawberry Milkshake 26. Turn-U-Off 27. Jom Heboh Di Sini 28. Notes by Marvic 29. Memoir Mez 30.Origena 31.Walking Newspaper 32. Nurul Aqilah 33. Bluedreamer 34. Breaking the Boundaries 35. Life According to Me 36. A Great Pleasure 37. Time Goes By 38. Kancing itu Butang 39. In my Kitchen 41. Fyzal’s Territory 40. Wiggy’s World 40. A Simple Life 41. A Taxi Ride 42. Single Life of Me 43. Little Bits of Info 44. Ode to Adrienne 45. KMP 46. Mommy’s Little Corner 47. Wondermom 48. Tom’s Place 4 Well Whatever 49. Empty Streets 50. Crafty Heart 51. Phat Wallet 52. AtheAthirahTaha 53. Phat Woman 54. Off The Top Of My Head 55. Simple Happy Life 56. Moore Blog Life 57. Twisted Sister 58. Fickleminded 59. Sweet Nothings 60. Fida Abbot 61.Business Matters 62.5577 Studio 63.You’re next!
*End Copy Here*

1) Copy gambar amal Islam di atas. Copy satu post ni pun tak mengape. Mudah dan menjimatkan masa. harapnye begitu..
2) Kemudian pilih 10 orang sahabat anda dan wajibkan mereka melakukan perkara yang sama. Ingat! 10 orang tahu? Lebih2, lagi bagus. Terlebih? Jangan melampau sudah.
#maka dgn suke cite dan sgtla bebesa hatinye syg meng'tag' anda yg berade dm senari dibawah...
- chika
- duha
- nawa_bbm
- nawa_kmm
- yana
- aqmar
- tehah
- cik froggy
- Ariff_bms
- Yun
P/S: so sorry ma..tepakse wat 3in1..mase xbrape nk mengizinkn buat mase ini....
Athe!!! Sorry akak tak perasan!! Akak dah add nama Athe, k!! Muahhss thanks for playing!