a great moment had happened in my life...
it was Wednesday...
i've planned earlier,supposely i went back home for my orthdontic appoinmnt..
however the appoinmnt have been canceled..giving a chance to my beloved friend, Aini to visit me before her flight to Sabah on Saturday morning..
she took her flight from klantan that morning and arrived about afternoon..sooner visited her sister at cheras..i advised her to come to 'my new place so called my new house' tommorow's morning..then she said, if it was ok to me, she wanna come that night after her visit to cheras. it didn't matter to me because my roommate had no problem at all. she reached my gate on 12.am on thursday!
i went to the class as usuall..
after zohor we went to 'jeyen' to buy some groceries (it almost half of the trolley was fully loaded..ahahah..)
for the high-tea i just cooked 'pizza-maggi' which special invented by me, chef athe..hahhaha..it was the 1st trial and thanks God, it was successful....
dinner..i'm so lazy to cook...anyway we're full enough..(luckly...Aini xkuat mkn..hehehee)
the next day..last day..:((
woke up early in the morning...
i've to finshed my clinical microbiology assignmnt because we've planned to hanging out...assignmnt comes 1st!
i was a little big lost to settle up my assignmnt seems my microsof word wasn't functionng..
Aini came to save me...i borrowed her laptop to finish editing..
overall finished near 12 at noon. i've made a crank called to arifah (who's on her summer vacation) a day before to infrom her that Aini was in Sh.Alam..we asked her to join us here...
before started cooking for lunch..(sempat la jugak buat roti ngn 'koslow telor'~~chef athe bg name..hhihi..sbb sian kt aini da lapa..)
Arifah took the train and reached as the rice just nice cooked.
i served them with 'paprik ayam' and teh'o for lunch..
after lunch..i planned to cook 'kek batik' but then..because of the 'technical problems' (hehhehe..ayat cover..that's our secret, Arifah,aini..uhuhuhu=D so xjadi la kek batiknye..)
After zohor we've planned to went out to PKNS and PAS (plaza alm sentral..don't misunderstadng na..)
arifah wanted to went back to bangi around 4pm... so we just spent our time together dlm blk saye yg xsebrapa tu..(cam mase kat matrik dlu...same2 lepak kat surau..sambil tgk gamba2 kt matrik dlu..and watched a few videos yg klaka....)
then the sad moment began..
we accompanied arifah to get the taxi..
at the last minute she gave aini and i 1pound..(cm duit syiling mesia yg seringgit dlu tu..)..yey.yey.yey...dpt souviner dr org manchester..
huh!the coolest sigh...~~Alhamdulillah~~
it's time to make a change..~hijrah's beautiful~
so..beutiful for many reasons..
*although i've to leave my lovely ex-roommates..but then i've got a very friendly and warm new roommate.
*although i've to walk about 5 to 10 minutes to college..but then i love i

*although i move to new place..but then i'm so glad to get a visit from Aini and Arifah...it's nearly 1 year we're not meeting each other..just keep in touch to each by calls,text,email, ym n post. updating stories through blog..ukhuwah fillah abadan abada.
*last but not least..d idea for the 2nd nvl that have been stucked..now is generated...thanks to Aini..:)
(insyaAllah..i'll steal a litte part of my 24/7 to continously improve the progression of my 2nd nvl..)
huh!the coolest sigh...~~Alhamdulillah~~
Finished this entry...but then..
here it goes...
other entries already quequing up to be settled down..
~clinical microbiology's assignment
~clinical biochemistry's assignments
~basic pathology's

~immunology&serology's assignment
~further reading for each subjects
~lab reports for every lab sessions..
~instrumentation assignments..don't miss ya..
to atheathirahtaha: OK.it's time to hijrah..hijrah rumah br..smgt blaja pun kne hijrah jugak! kne lagi rajin!!!amalan pun kne hijrah utk improve dan istiqamah..insyaAllah, Aminnn...^__^
to anyone yg bace entry ni: Barakallahufik...fatahallahu'alaik..
this is what we call...HIKMAH..*****
it's time to make a change..~hijrah's beautiful~
~~this is the thing i like most for this time being~~
hurm..berhijrah adalah satu perkataan yg sgt senang disebut,tapi memerlukan kekuatan mental dan fizikal utk itu..moga dieberi kekuatan iman sekali..amin~
ReplyDeleteassalammuaikum ateh..wah beshnya korg lepak same2.nak join sekaki..huhu..eh as usual blog ko mmbri aku seribu satu inspirasi.tlg doakan agar aku dpt berhijrah ke arah yg lebih baek..
ReplyDeletezue@Acu: insyaAllah...tekadkn hati..Allah akn tunjukkn jln yg terbaek dan Allah berikn kekuatan utk menemphi sglnya...
ReplyDeleteJannah_Khai: wassalam..jannh..tu la kalo ko n jue ade mest lagi best...syena pun xdpt nk join..insyaAllah i'll alwys pray for u my dear..chaiyok2!!!=)