'people' say: English easier you to express your feeling..
i don't know how far it works..anyway sometime or most of the times i've to say, technically i agree with that statement..so..those who's master in english hopefully this entry don't bother you so much..grammatical errors etc..so sorry for the inconvenient..i'm just trying the 'rustiness' of my english..hhiiihihh..frankly, writing in english's one of my favourite so do my true weakness..(this part spoiled me so much when it became my worse score in muet..huhuuhuh)

i've moved out from the hostel 'yg indah&permai tu'.. continue my life in a double story

there's no specific reason at all..why i'm moving..
it just because i wanna it to be like that..hahaha..
it is not because not comfortable with my ex-roommate..I DO AND LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!
we accept each other as the way we are..
cik yah, cik pah,cik zu, min, KD, ira, k.sue...we've shared the moments together..
- mkn nasi lemak...
- potong buah utk korg..
- makn chocolate cup cake yg mk Min buat..
- mkn kek coklat KD bwk dr perak..
- cikzu ngn strok n 'mel' die tu.
- ira ngn iron rabut die..
- cikyah baby yg comel~~
- k.sue huyooo...
- all the ranting bout d hostel owner..*ooopss*

"beritau cik ti..."
"berila tau..ingt ak takut.."
"mmg menempah yer.."
"tu kire ok la tu.."
"jgn buat hal..."
"da lame wat keje cmni.."
"ha tu bole..ha tu bole.."
~~conclusion:much laughter and happiness~~
i'll miss you all..now, always and forever...
you can count on me whenever you need me.
>>love you all soooooooooo muchhhhhhhhh!!!!<< it's time to make a change..~hijrah's beautiful~
to be continued..
salam cikti..eheheh nk cter jer..da ad ayat baru dlm bilik hehehe ayatnye bunyi cmni
ReplyDeletenanti ap pulak org kata hahahah
wassalam min..
cam best jer ayat tu..
bolela msk dlm dftr pekataan..hehehhe=D