...Words From God~O Allah, The Lord~...

"Closer and closer to mankind comes their Reckoning: yet they heed not and they turn away."

"Telah hampir datangnya kepada manusia hari perhitungan amalnya sedang mereka dalam kelalaian, tidak hiraukan persediaan baginya.." (Al-Anbiyaa':1)

AWAS! Anda berada di zon::Alangkah Indahnya Hidup Ini::


Salam sejahtera, salam singgah, salam melawat, salam menjengok, dan semua salamlah saya ucapan kepada pengunjung rumah saya ni teratak; Alangkah Indahnya Hidup Ini...

Saya sangat berbesar hati sekiranya anda dapat meluangkan masa untuk membaca perkongsian saya di dalam blog ini. Saya juga mengalu-alukan anda untuk 'copy' atau ambil apa sahaja yang ada di teratak saya ini yang memberi manfaat kepada anda. Namun saya mengharapkan jasa baik anda untuk melampirkan link 'Alangkah Indahnya Hidup Ini' sebagai rujukannya. Ini kerana sebarang artikel yang saya hasilkan sendiri pasti menjadi tanggungjawab saya kepada ALLAH. ^_^

~Moga ' Alangkah Indahnya Hidup Ini' sentiasa menjadi inspirasi anda~
~Moga segala kandungannya dapat memberi manfaat kepada semua~
~Moga dengan 'Alangkah Indahnya Hidup Ini' menjadikan kita sama-sama beroleh rahmat dan hidayah Allah S.W.T..aminnn~

Sekian Terima Kasih.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

a simple reminder for you and me!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

a simple reminder for you and me!

Sometime, when the surrounding is 'hot' plus the people around us act like 'rubbish' or talk 'rubbish', we tend to feel bore and easily get angry. RITE?!!

So, here a simple reminder for you and me!

For those easily get bore because of the behaviour of the people around and tends to get angry, remember this: LA TAGHBAB! (Don't be ANGRY!) as the prophet Muhammmad (pbuh) have said.
~sometimes, we have to consider a lot on other's attitudes which most of the times 'may' not suit and fix with us
~we have to learn to accept other's as we accept our bad
~yup, it is frustrated when the people around us is not the one we look for, but remember! Allah never creates something for a waste, rite?!
~its a kind of tarbiyyah* that Allah wants to teach us...
~don't ever feel we are better than others. Always, do see people who are better than us in thier 'urusan akhirat' (interms of their ibadah, qudwah, sodaqoh etc) BUT do always look at the people who needy than us in 'urusan dunia' (interms of pooper, sufferer, etc) .

p/s: this is the kind of me that i'm 'always' in progress to be, accept people around me equally, insyaAllah...;)

Then, for those who tends to make people 'bored' with thier attitudes and behaviour, do improve ourself!
~please, REALISED! We are the one who makes people sick of our own attitudes! (oh NO! astaghfirullah, na'uzubillahiminzalik!)
~improving ourself to the better never a sin!
~improving ourself to the better does not mean we are hypocrite!
~improving ourself to the better bring lots of benefit to us and others. It's 'never-never' a waste!
~please, never satisfied with ourselves...do always remind ourselves to improve  to the better, better and better!
~remember! Allah loves those improving themselves to the better. 
~come on, we can 'be' the difference!

p/s: tarbiyyah*= didikan
p/s: YES! Finally, this my shortest entry...Do enjoy this! hehe^__^
p/s: takde bagus sgt pun nak 'cakap' omputih tapi ntah macam mana tiba2 boleh terkeluar ni..ngee~;D
p/s: Coming up next:another 'story telling' entry. see yar!

(:alangkah indahnya hidup ini>>>bila selalu boleh maintain 'COOL'!:)
